Huw Griffiths
Guest Lecturer
BSc BVSc Cert AVP (Stud Medicine) MRCVS
Huw graduated from the University of Liverpool in 2000. After some time at Auburn University in Alabama, USA, he worked in Tipperary, based at the Kedrah Stud, where he was primarily involved with sports horse breeding. He also spent time at Colarado State University, USA, learning embryo transfer techniques. He then moved back to UK and worked in ambulatory equine practice in Surrey for two years before joining Liphook Equine Hospital in 2004. During his time as an ambulatory vet at Liphook Equine Hospital, Huw has continued to develop his interest in stud medicine and looks after some of our larger studs, as part of our dedicated reproductive team. In 2016, he gained a certificate in equine stud medicine. He is currently the junior vice president of the British Equine Veterinary Association.